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Helpful Lawn Maintenance Information
Maintaining a healthy green lawn year round is more then just weed control and fertilizer. Mowing, Watering, and many other factors determine how your lawn will look. Each grass type requires various maintenance. It is important that you stay on a routine mowing and watering. Here we have helpful information about what we recommend YOU can do for your lawn!
Bermuda grass flourishes in direct sunlight. Having a high heat, humidity and salt tolerances make this the superior grass for most Oklahoman's.
Spring is the most active growth time for bermuda. Mow at 2+" every 7 to 10 days. And be sure to water 1-2" every week to help with the rapid growth, natural precipitation is usually sufficient in these wet months.
In Summer, the main issue is heat. Mow at 3+" to shade the grass, every 7 to 10 days. Along with watering 1-3" every week (depending on heat) to prevent drying up the lawn. In combination, mowing and watering is the key to keep a green lawn through these hot months.
Autumn's varies each year. If weather is above 75° continue with summer steps. When weather starts to cool, less watering and less mowing is needed. Keep height at 3" going into winter for a better dormancy look.
Once the weather dips bellow freezing for a few nights, the grass will begin to go dormant. Minimal watering is needed through winter, about 0.5" every 2 weeks. Natural precipitation is usually sufficient unless under a winter dry spell.
Fescue Guide
Fescue is a cool season grass that is ideal for shady areas. It maintains its rich color, ensuring a green lawn year round if properly maintained.
Fescue grass typically experiences a growth spurt in the spring, which means it will require more frequent mowing. Mow at a height above 2.5". As for watering, it's best to water deeply and infrequently, about 1-2 inches of water per week.
Fescue grass is a cool-season grass that can struggle during hot summer months. It may go dormant to conserve water. To maintain it, make sure to water deeply ~2" a week, preferably in the early morning or late evening. Mow above +3" to help conserve moisture.
Fall is fescues favorite time of year. In the warmer months water 2" weekly. When the weather starts to cool, drop that down to 1". Keep height above 3" when mowing. This is also the best time to seed fescue, the cooler weather in October is perfect for fescue to establish its long roots.
To maintain your Fescue grass during winter, make sure to continue watering it regularly, but reduce the amount of water you use to ~.5" a week. Additionally, avoid mowing your grass too short(below 3"). We may apply a winterizing fertilizer that contains nutrients needed for fescue.